Monday, June 29, 2009

Võtta tuleb sealt kuskohast võtta on

Robin Hanson selgitab kuskohast tuleb osade inimeste vajadus ümberjagada teiste inimeste raha:

"Garrett Jones has just convinced me that a pretty simple explanation is available: the redistributive urge just doesn’t have much to do with sympathy. Our ancestors would sometimes notice that some folks in the tribe had a lot more tangible portable stuff than the rest, and those with less would then be tempted to find an excuse to grab a bunch of that stuff.

Would-be-grabbers would look for the most believable excuse they could find. Sometimes the excuse would be that stuff-holders had violated some tribal norm and needed to be punished. (Hence our hyper-willingness to believe the rich freely violate treasured norms.) But lacking a better excuse, they’d fall back on the old favorite, that those with less stuff would sure appreciate each thing more than those with lots."
Ma usun, et see selgitus on natuke liialdatud. Ümberjaotamise poolt saab ilmselt argumenteerida (ja ka on argumenteeritud) mitmel teiselgi viisil. Teisalt, kui vaadata Eestis astmelise tulumaksu kontekstis toimunud arutelu, miks ikkagi rohkem teenivatelt inimestele tuleb ära võtta rohkem raha, siis proponentide argumendid jõuvad oma kvaliteedis liiga tihti "Neilt tuleb raha ära võtta, sest...ää tuleb ära võtta, sest neil on on see raha...".

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